
Clelia Adami was born in Brescia, Italy, in 1983.

After gaining a graduating with a certificate in Art, from the “M.Olivieri” public secondary school in Sarezzo (2001), Clelia continued her studies at the "Santa Giulia" Academy of Fine Arts in Brescia, where she first obtained a four-year degree (2006), followed by a specialised diploma in Painting (2008).
She has won several prizes and awards, including the "Moretto Prize" and the “Young Artist of Brescia Prize".

Clelia currently lives and works in Brescia.

Solo Exhibitions

2011    “SGUARDI” [Gazes], curated by Paolo Sacchini at the Paloazzo Avogadro, Brescia. Gaze

2010    “LA BELLEZZA DELLA VERITA” [The Beauty of the Truth], Galleria Martino Dolci, Brescia.

2007     “SEGNO E MATERIA” [Signs and Matter], San Gervasio, Brescia


2016    2nd classification, Painting category, Moretto Prize, 49th edition, Associazione Artestrasse, Brescia.

2013    3° classification, Graphic Design category, Moretto Prize, 46th edition, Associazione Artestrasse, Brescia.

2011    Honourable mention for brushwork, 13th Painting prize, 3rd Salvini Clementina Memorial, Fiera di Santa Maria, Calcinatello, Brescia.

2011    Diploma, merit, awarded by the jury, Arte Giovane, visible art awards organised by Art New Dinamysm (1st edition).

2010    Winner of the first place painting category prize, Moretto Awards, 43rd edition, Associazione Artestrasse, Brescia.

2010    Winner of the Moretto prize and receiver of the Vittoria Alata Moretto Awards, 43rd edition, Associazione Artestrasse, Brescia

2009    2° classification, Young Artist of Brescia competition, Martino Dolci Association, Brescia.

Collective Exhibitions

2011    Natale degli artisti,

    Montichiari Public Gallery, Brescia

2016    Sulla strada del Moretto, exhibition of Moretto Prize winners

    Vanvitelliano Room, Palazzo della Loggia, Brescia                    

2014    Biennale d’arte GIovani, Curated by Gionfranco Ferlisi and Renzo Margonari

    MAM The (Alto Mantovano Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art), Mantova

2014    Le opere che parlano di noi

    Villa Glisenti, Brescia

2013    Sulla strada del Moretto, exhibition of Moretto Prize winners

    Vanvitelliano Room, Palazzo della Loggia, Brescia

2011    C. A. V. E. E. G. S.  Villa Glisenti, Brescia.

2012    Sulla strada del Moretto, exhibition of Moretto Prize winners

    Vanvitelliano Room, Palazzo della Loggia, Brescia

2011    Porco corpo, corpo porco

    Exhibition area, Associazione Movente, Brescia

2011    Young artist from Brescia

    Galleria Marchina, Brescia

2011    “Arte Giovane” competition, exhibition of prize winning works

    Palazzo die Muratori, Romano di Lombardia, Brescia

2011    Sulla strada del Moretto, Associazione Artestrasse 2011,

    Vanvitelliano Room, Palazzo della Loggia, Brescia

2011    “Arte Giovane” competition, exhibition of winning works

    La Rocca San Giorgio, Orzinuovi

2011   "Arte Giovane” competition

    Sala del Podestà, Soresina, Cremona

2010    Evangelizzare con l’arte

     Public Gallery, Palazzo Pro-Loco, Montichiari, Brescia            

2010    Sulla strada del Moretto, exhibition of Moretto Prize winner’s works

     Palazzo Coen, Salò, Brescia.

2010    On display at Piazza Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, Associazione Culturale Artestrasse, Brescia.

2009    amMAGLIante exhibition

    “I Magli” Museum, Sarezzo, Brescia.

2009    Young Artist of Brescia Prize, exhibition of finalists works, Associazione Martino Dolci, San Filippo e Giacomo, Brescia.

2008    Santa Giulia Academy of Fine Arts Exhibition

    “Le Muse” Gallery, di Pietro Ricci, Bergamo.

2008    Archetipi dell’anima, the Alabardieri room, Palazzo Comunale, Cremona

2006    Porte Aperte, artworks in the old town, 11th edition,  Clusane d’Iseo, Brescia.

2006    Stand at the Acadmy of Fine Arts Santagiulia, Piazza Tebaldo Brusato, Brescia.

2005    Da Capo-Lavori, reinterpretation of works at the Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo museum, Vanvitelliano room, Palazzo della Loggia, Brescia.

2005    I Classici in Cattedra, Collaboration with the Conservatory of Brescia, Aula Magna, Faculty of Medicine, Brescia

2005    Un mondo da distruggere, un mondo da salvare,    “LABA” Academy of Fine Arts, Brescia

2005    La Fucina di Vulcano, Calino Public Hall, Cazzago San Martino, Bresica

2003    Stand at the New Academy of Fine Arts (NABA),

    Piazza Tebaldo Brusato, Brescia.

2002    Travagliato Cavalli

    Travagliato, Brescia